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Another Israeli agent testifies (August 15, 2007)

Some jurors glimpsed down at their nails, while others took frequent peeks at the clock. The jury seemed unimpressed by yet another anonymous witness with the Israeli government on Wednesday, August 15, 2007. As prosecutor Elisabeth Shapiro began the direct examination of an advisor with the Israeli Security Agency (ISA) who used the pseudonym of “Avi,” the pair attempted to prove that the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) was part of a wacked-out conspiracy to fund Hamas.

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FBI agent concludes an 11-day testimony (August 14, 2007)

With her pink blouse, dark pin-stripped suit and crow-colored hair, FBI agent Lara Burns seemed hostile as she neared the end of her 11-day testimony on Tuesday, August 14, 2007. Mounted on a pole behind her was the American flag. The stars and stripes. The symbol of freedom and protection. Yet to many, the Dallas courtroom lacked these values. And many said Burns’ bias was evident. U.S. District Judge A. Joe Fish refused to admit into evidence several documents seized by the Israeli Defense Force. But the attentive jury watched and listened as the judge continued to sustain most of the prosecutors’ objections.

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Cross-examination of FBI agent continues (August 13, 2007)

The day was short, lasting until noon, but it wasn’t sweet on Monday, August 13, 2007.
Sitting behind a large wooden desk and wearing a black shiny robe, U.S. District Judge A. Joe Fish sustained much of the government attorneys’ objections. Sometimes leaning his head back and other times sitting up straight on his black leather chair, he mostly agreed with the governments’ claims that the defense was presenting hearsay and irrelevant evidence. Many found the government’s objections absurd, especially because the majority of the government’s evidence is based on hearsay. The jurors, who were very alert, witnessed the imbalance. To many others watching the case, it seemed as though the defendants of the Holy Land Foundation case were getting an unfair trial.

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Israeli Defense Forces commander testifies (August 9, 2007)

The courtroom was empty and all wooden doors were locked on Thursday, August 9, 2007 as the government interrupted the cross-examination of FBI agent Laura Burns for the testimony of an official with the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). The witness — who used the fake name of Leo for security reasons — entered and exited the courtroom through the back doors. Several police cars surrounded the courthouse. No one except immediate family members of the defendants were allowed in, although several federal agents were also present. The media and the rest of the public had to hear the testimony from another courtroom on the 16th floor, where the camera was turned off and only the audio was on. The jurors, who listened closely as the translator interpreted the testimony in Hebrew, seemed well aware that this witness was different.

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Cross-examination of FBI agent begins (August 8, 2007)

The courtroom did not have the usual dimness caused by irrationality on Wednesday, August 8, 2007. Rather, an aura of clear logic made the room seem brighter than normal as the defense lawyers began cross-examining FBI agent Lara Burns. With a couple loud laughs and a few quick smiles, the jurors seemed more alert as many leaned forward to see and hear a different kind of evidence. After a week of the government’s direct examination of Burns along with an overload of videos, documents and wiretapped phone calls, it was obvious that the jury was ready for a new atmosphere.

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